This page is produced by a script I wrote to produce (pseudo-)random lines from Greek and Latin texts for my translation project/language exam studying.
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reading list
tacitus, historiae 1.9.19*
my list
lucan, pharsalia 10.435
corpus information
reading list
- caesar, de bello civile: 1.1–87 (approx. 1,740 lns.)
- caesar, de bello gallico: 1.1–54 (approx. 1,080 lns.)
- cicero, de officiis: 1.1–161 (approx. 2,185 lns.)
- cicero, de oratore: 1.1–265 (approx. 3,930 lns.)
- cicero, in catalinam: 1.1–33, 2.1–29 (approx. 682 lns.)
- cicero, in antoniam: 2.1–119 (approx. 1,488 lns.)
- cicero, pro archia: 1–32 (approx. 448 lns.)
- cicero, pro caelio: 1–80 (approx. 1,000 lns.)
- catullus, carmina: 1–116 (2,328 lns.)
- horace, ars poetica: 1–476
- horace, carmina: 1.1–38, 2.1–20, 3.1–30 (2,452 lns.)
- horace, epistulae: 2.1.1–270, 2.2.1–216
- horace, sermones: 1.1–10 (1,029 lns.)
- juvenal, satires: 1.1–171, 2.1–170, 3.1–322, 4.1–154, 5.1–173, 6.1–695, 7.1–243, 8.1–275, 9.1–150, 10.1–366, 11.1–208, 12.1–130, 13.1–249, 14.1–331, 15.1–174, 16.1–60
- livy, ab urbe condita: 1.1–60, 6.1–42, 21.1–63 (approx. 2,805 lns.)
- lucan, pharsalia: 1.1–695, 2.1–736, 3.1–762, 4.1–824, 5.1–815, 6.1–830, 7.1–872, 8.1–872, 9.1–1108, 10.1–546
- lucretius, de rerum naturae: 1.1–1117, 2.1–1174, 3.1–1094, 4.1–1287, 5.1–1457, 6.1–830
- ovid, amores: 1.1.1–34, 1.2.1–52, 1.3.1–26, 1.4.1–70, 1.5.1–26, 1.6.1–74, 1.7.1–68, 1.8.1–114, 1.9.1–46, 1.1.1–64, 1.11.1–28, 1.12.1–30, 1.13.1–48, 1.14.1–56, 1.15.1–42
- ovid, fasti: 4.1–954
- ovid, metamorphoses: 1.1–779, 8.1–884
- plautus, amphitruo: 1–1146
- plautus, casina: 1–1018
- plautus, menaechmi: 1–1162
- propertius, elegies: 1.1.1–38, 4.4.1–94, 4.6.1–86, 4.8.1–88
- quintilian, institutio oratoriae: 10.1.1–131 (approx. 655 lns.)
- sallust, bellum catilinae: 1–61 (approx. 1,342 lns.)
- seneca minor, epistulae: 51.1–13, 77.1–20, 78.1–29, 90.1–46, 114.1–27, 122.1–19 (1,155 lns.)
- seneca minor, phaedra: 1–1280
- statius, silvae: 4.1–37, 4.1.1–47, 4.2.1–67, 4.3.1–163, 4.4.1–105, 4.5.1–60, 4.6.1–109, 4.7.1–56, 4.8.1–62, 4.9.1–55
- suetonius, vita augustae: 1–101 (approx. 750 lns.)
- sulpicia, elegies: 1–6 (40 lns.)
- tacitus, agricola: 1–46 (650 lns.)
- tacitus, annales: 1.1–81, 2.1–88, 3.1–76, 4.1–75 (approx. 6,400 lns.)
- tacitus, dialogus: 1–42 (approx. 840 lns.)
- tacitus, historiae: 1.1–90 (approx. 1,800 lns.)
- terence, adelphoe: 1–997
- terence, phormio: 1–1055
- tibullus, elegies: 1.1.1–78, 1.3.1–94, 1.4.1–84, 2.3.1–80, 2.5.1–122
- vergil, aeneid: 1.1–756, 2.1–804, 3.1–718, 4.1–705, 5.1–871, 6.1–901, 7.1–865, 8.1–817, 9.1–818, 10.1–908, 11.1–915, 12.1–952
- vergil, eclogues: 1.1–83, 2.1–73, 3.1–111, 4.1–63
- vergil, georgics: 1.1–514, 4.1–566
- aeschylus, agamemnon: 1–1673
- aeschylus, choephoroi: 1–1075
- aeschylus, eumenides: 1–1470
- apollonius rhodius, argonautica: 3.1–1407
- aristophanes, nubes: 1–1510
- aristophanes, ranae: 1–1533
- callimachus, aetia: 1–40
- callimachus, hymn to zeus: 1–96
- callimachus, hymn to apollo: 1–113
- callimachus, hymn to athena: 1–142
- callimachus, hymn to demeter: 1–138
- demosthenes, olynthiacs: 1.1–28, 2.1–31, 3.1–36 (approx. 714 lns.)
- demosthenes, de corona: 1–324 (approx. 2,430 lns.)
- demosthenes, against neiara: 1–123 (approx. 923 lns.)
- dio chrysostom, orationes: 7.1–152 (approx. 1,140 lns.)
- euripides, bacchae: 1–1392
- euripides, hippolytus: 1–1466
- euripides, medea: 1–1419
- hesiod, theogony: 1–1022
- herodotus, histories: 1.1–216, 6.1–140, 7.1–239, 8.1–144 (approx. 14,780 lns.)
- homer, iliad: 1.1–611, 2.1–877, 3.1–461, 4.1–544, 5.1–909, 6.1–529, 9.1–713, 16.1–867, 18.1–617, 19.1–424, 22.1–515, 23.1–897, 24.1–804
- homer, odyssey: 1.1–444, 5.1–493, 6.1–331, 7.1–347, 8.1–586, 9.1–566, 10.1–574, 11.1–640, 12.1–543, 19.1–604, 21.1–434, 22.1–501, 23.1–548
- longus, daphnis and chloe: 1.1–32, 2.1–39, 3.1–34, 4.1–40 (approx. 2,900 lns.)
- lucian, true histories: 1–47 (approx. 705 lns.)
- lysias, on the murder of eratosthenes: 1–50 (approx. 300 lns.)
- lysias, against eratosthenes: 1–100 (approx. 750 lns.)
- menander, dyscolus: 1–964
- pindar, isthmian ode: 7.1–51
- pindar, olympian ode: 1.1–116, 2.1–100, 7.1–95
- pindar, pythian ode: 1.1–100, 8.1–100, 10.1–72
- plutarch, vita ciceronis: 1–49 (1,764 lns.)
- plutarch, demosthenes and cicero: 1–5 (approx. 96 lns.)
- sophocles, antigone: 1–1353
- sophocles, oedipus coloneus: 1–1779
- sophocles, oedipus tyrannos: 1–1530
- theocritus, idylls: 1.1–152, 2.1–166, 7.1–157, 11.1–81
- thucydides, peloponnesian war: 1.1–146, 6.1–105, 7.1–87 (approx. 10,140 lns.)
- xenophon, anabasis: 3.1.1–47, 3.2.1–39, 3.3.1–20, 3.4.1–49, 3.5.1–18 (approx. 865 lns.)
my list
- catullus, carmina: 1–116 (2,328 lns.)
- lucan, pharsalia: 1.1–695, 2.1–736, 3.1–762, 4.1–824, 5.1–815, 6.1–830, 7.1–872, 8.1–872, 9.1–1108, 10.1–546
- ovid, amores: 1.1.1–34, 1.2.1–52, 1.3.1–26, 1.4.1–70, 1.5.1–26, 1.6.1–74, 1.7.1–68, 1.8.1–114, 1.9.1–46, 1.1.1–64, 1.11.1–28, 1.12.1–30, 1.13.1–48, 1.14.1–56, 1.15.1–42
- ovid, heroides: 1.1–116, 2.1–148, 3.1–154, 4.1–176, 5.1–158, 6.1–164, 7.1–196, 8.1–122, 9.1–168, 10.1–150, 11.1–128, 12.1–212, 13.1–166, 14.1–132, 15.1–220
- ovid, metamorphoses: 1.1–779, 2.1–875, 3.1–733, 4.1–803, 5.1–678, 6.1–721, 7.1–865, 8.1–884, 9.1–797, 10.1–739, 11.1–795, 12.1–628, 13.1–968, 14.1–851, 15.1–879
- seneca minor, phaedra: 1–1280
- seneca minor, medea: 1–1027
- seneca minor, thyestes: 1–1112
- tacitus, annals: 13.1–58, 14.1–65, 15.1–74, 16.1–35 (4,640 lns.)
- vergil, aeneid: 1.1–756, 2.1–804, 3.1–718, 4.1–705, 5.1–871, 6.1–901, 7.1–865, 8.1–817, 9.1–818, 10.1–908, 11.1–915, 12.1–952
- vergil, georgics: 1.1–514, 4.1–566
- aeschylus, agamemnon: 1–1673
- aristophanes, ranae: 1–1533
- callimachus, aetia: 1–40
- euripides, medea: 1–1419
- homer, iliad: 1.1–611, 6.1–529, 22.1–515, 23.1–897, 24.1–804
- homer, hymn: 2.1–495, 3.1–546, 4.1–580, 5.1–293
- sophocles, antigone: 1–1353
- sophocles, elektra: 1–1353
- sophocles, oedipus tyrannos: 1–1530
- unknown, batrachomyomachia: 1–304