bumblebee site framework

Even giving this project a fun name like "Zonelets" is kind of misleading. Zonelets is almost nothing: an idea, a few example files, a bit of scripting to save you some inconvenience. But really, it's just you, playing with the fundamental building blocks of the internet.

—Marina Kittaka, "Welcome to Zonelets!"[1]

This is framework for building a site, strongly inspired by the Zonelots framework (itself based off Zonelets, with added tagging functionality).[2] This is primarily a personal project (it's what I use on my own site) and is thus fairly idiosyncratic,[3] but I wanted to make it available in case anyone else might find it useful.

This is designed for use with Neocities or other similar hosting platforms. (I started on Neocities but now use Netlify.) The idea is that you can perform the set-up tasks and then upload the whole folder to wherever you want it to go.

If you want to see how it looks straight out of the box, here's the Github repository and the demo page which runs directly from it:


I really like Zonelots conceptually, but as I kept using it, I found myself adding things on top piecemeal until it looked a lot like that one XKCD, which is to say "messy and a little fragile". Also, it was getting slow—not terribly, but noticeably.

What I really needed to do was start from scratch, so I did. It's still basically "Zonelots as Bee would do it", but it's hopefully less precarious and somewhat faster.

The big changes are the additional languages. The Python script removes the need to make manual edits to the JavaScript after the initial setup. Basically, as long as you're happy with the way the site's working (and you don't make any typos), you could never look at the JavaScript script again: just run the Python script from terminal or your IDE, follow the prompts, and upload the whole thing to whatever hosting service you're using. Markdown is very optional, but it removes the need to write posts in HTML and generally makes life a little easier.

The other big change is speed-related. Basically, I've set things up so that if an element doesn't appear on a page, the bits of script associated with building the element won't run. Hopefully this saves a bit of loading time, especially once you've got more posts to process.

Other, more minor changes include:

  • building the header from the pages array
  • (optional) theme switcher
  • (optional) post navigation within projects
  • (optional) post sorting by date, which removes the need to move backdated posts in the posts array
  • (optional) RSS feed and associated automation


Set up

  1. Find and replace the following template phrases across all files:

    1. {{NAME}} to your name/pseudonym (all HTML files, script.js).
    2. {{BLOG NAME}} to your blog's name (script.js, rss.xml).
    3. {{URL}} to your blog's URL (rss.xml, functions.py).
    4. {{YEAR}} to the current year (script.js) (or you could change the footer message entirely—up to you).
    5. {{EMAIL}} to your email (if you'd like to show that in the footer—again, you can just change this entirely).
  2. Edit the information in section 1A of script.js (the blog name, whether you want the theme switcher, etc.).
  3. Replace the favicon. If not using a file called favicon.svg, remember to change the file name in your .html pages.
  4. Enter your timezone into the variable at the top of functions.py.
  5. Delete the example posts, as well as any pages you don't mean to use, and all the data associated with either in script.js.
  6. Check that the header/homepage status of the pages you're keeping is how you'd like it (default shows the test page in the header and the tags page on the home page).
  7. Edit footer links to your preference.
  8. Either add additional themes or turn off the theme switcher (current themes are "minimal", which is basically just enough styling to make the site look nice, and "base", which is no styling at all except for the theme switcher itself).

Adding a post/page/RSS feed entry

  1. Run functions.py and select the function you want to perform.
  2. In the terminal, input the requested information in the requested form (e.g. dates are yyyy-mm-dd).
  3. If you've backdated a post and you've set sortPosts to false, you'll have to move that entry in the post index by hand or posts won't be in date order. The same is true for any typos you want to fix or any posts you want to delete. Otherwise, you're done!


Please feel free to use this in any way you'd like, with or without crediting me. If you're going to share code based off mine with others, I'd prefer you do it for free in the same spirit in which I'm sharing this with you, but I won't hold you to that.

Also, you're under absolutely no obligation, but I'd love to hear/see how you're using this framework! I'm also happy to answer additional questions and problemshoot as I'm able; you can contact me by email, Tumblr, or my guestbook.

Enjoy this? See my web design posts here, or check out the following pages:

  • media styles, to get the screenshot vibes without the attendant accessibility issues

  1. Retrieved 6 July 2024.^
  2. I broke with the naming convention because (a) I couldn't think of anything amusing and (b) I already confuse the other two often enough and (c) I Like Bees (have you noticed?).^
  3. For example, I added a "projects" feature (based on tags) because I had a few ongoing projects which exist as chaptered works/series on AO3 and I wanted something other than a tag to mark those relationships.^
  4. You can also just leave it at GMT+0 if you prefer. I'm not the boss of you.^